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                My position:Home - About us - Company profile

                CONTACT US

                Service Hotline


                EXPORT OFFICE:
                NO.289, Xinhua Road, Jiangyin, Jiangsu, China.
                Factory Address:
                26 Haining Road, Shuyang, Suqian, Jiangsu, China

                Company profile

                Jiangsu Donghao Rubber Co., Ltd. is located in Shuyang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province. The enterprise was founded in 2011. There are more than 1300 employees and 120 professional technicians. The main products are bicycles, electric bicycles and motorcycles of various specifications.

                Founded in 2011, covering an area of more than 380 mu, it is a subsidiary enterprise of a group company which integrates natural reclaimed rubber, butyl reclaimed rubber, automobile cushion belt, steel wire, cord cloth and mixing center. The company has a long-term strategic cooperation with Shanghai Tire Rubber (Group) Co., Ltd. and has established a joint development and production of "double money" brand motorcycles, electric vehicles, bicycle inner and outer tube projects. Planned annual production of 25 million sets of bicycle tyres and 5 million sets of motorcycle tyres, 10 million sets of the first phase have been in normal operation. Enterprise management is standardized and equipments are advanced. Product testing center has complete testing facilities and perfect quality assurance system. Now it has established strategic cooperation relationship with many well-known tire enterprises in China and exported to many overseas countries and regions.

                Through ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Certification and National 3C Compulsory Certification, the company has consistently adhered to the quality of survival, reputation and development, and constantly committed to providing high-quality, high-quality varieties, economic and reasonable products to meet customer needs.


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