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                NEWS DYNAMIC

                Harm of excessive tyre pressure
                time:2018-12-28 16:52:07      click:1759

                A. The friction and adhesion of tyres will decrease, which will affect the braking effect.

                B. Causes the steering wheel to shake and run off, which reduces the comfort of driving.

                C. Accelerate the local wear of tread pattern in the center of tire tread to make the tire life down.

                D. The greater the vibration of the body, the longer the life of other parts will be indirectly affected.

                E. The tire cord will be excessively stretched and deformed, the elasticity of the tire body will decrease, and the load on the vehicle will increase in the course of driving.

                F. and the rolling resistance is reduced. When encountering sharp objects such as nails and glass on the road surface, it is easy to penetrate into the tire. The impact will cause internal cracking and explosion, resulting in tire burst.

                PREV:Tyre Selection and Installation
                NEXT:Daily Maintenance of Bicycle Tires

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