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                My position:Home - Service - Sales network

                CONTACT US

                Service Hotline


                EXPORT OFFICE:
                NO.289, Xinhua Road, Jiangyin, Jiangsu, China.
                Factory Address:
                26 Haining Road, Shuyang, Suqian, Jiangsu, China

                SERVICE CENTER

                All products of Jiangsu Duhow Rubber Co., Ltd. are reliable in quality and exquisite in workmanship. Donghao believes that customers are always right, so that customers should have a positive attitude towards the pre-sale, in-sale and after-sale service of the goods they buy. Donghao's strict quality control procedures coupled with its commitment to quality assurance can be said to be a good guarantee to our customers that our production and process are high-quality products, and will provide high-quality support services. With world-class quality, the products sell well in all provinces

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