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                NEWS DYNAMIC

                How much air pressure does a motorcycle tyre exert?
                time:2018-12-28 17:00:12      click:798

                Front wheel pressure 2, rear wheel pressure 2.5

                Motorcycle tires are heavily loaded on the rear wheels. It feels like pressing hard after inflating with your hands. It's almost the same if you can press down a little bit. If the barometer can be used to detect the best, the front wheel is generally 170-180 kPa, the rear wheel is 200-220 kPa.

                In general, the electric inflator in a motorcycle repair shop is fixed at about 3 kilograms of air pressure. When you inflate and the sound of air flow disappears, it means that the air pressure of the tire is the same as that of the inflator (air does not flow).

                PREV:Harm of low tire pressure
                NEXT:Invitation letter

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