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                My position:Home - news - Company news

                CONTACT US

                Service Hotline


                Qingdao Office:
                2-1104, No. 87 Haier Road, Qingdao, Shandong, China
                Factory Address:
                26 Haining Road, Shuyang County, Suqian, Jiangsu, China

                NEWS DYNAMIC

                Invitation letter
                time:2018-12-28 17:00:46      click:862

                Jiangsu xintidi Tire Co., Ltd. is now facing the national recruitment of county and city agent sales network. Welcome people with lofty ideals to visit the factory, guide and negotiate. The company will provide you with high quality service and excellent product quality, create value for customers, and create a brilliant tomorrow together.

                Division I was established in 2013, is a natural rubber, steel wire, cord cloth, mixing center as one of the group's subsidiary enterprises, the company is located in the beautiful world's first village - Jiangsu Huaxi. Is a private enterprise specializing in the production of bicycle tyres, electric tyres, motorcycle tyres series products, is a member unit of China Rubber Association. The company's leading product, Fuxin tire series, has an annual production capacity of 12 million sets.

                The company covers an area of more than 60,000 square meters, has more than 1300 employees on duty and 120 professional and technical personnel. It integrates development, development, production and sales. It always adheres to the quality management policy of "product innovation and management innovation, wholeheartedly providing satisfactory products to users", and fully implements the standards of GB/T1702-2008 and ISO 9001-2008 quality management system.

                Come to our company to negotiate and cooperate with distributors, our company reimburses the round-trip fare!

                Shun Song Shang Qi!

                PREV:How much air pressure does a motorcycle tyre exert?

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