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                NEWS DYNAMIC

                Role of tyres
                time:2018-12-28 16:46:22      click:651

                Tire is one of the most important components in automobiles. Its main functions are as follows:

                1. Support the whole weight of the vehicle, bear the load of the vehicle, and transfer the force and moment in other directions;

                2. Transfer the torque of traction and braking to ensure good adhesion between wheel and road surface to improve the power, braking and trafficability of the vehicle; mitigate the impact of vehicle driving together with vehicle suspension, and attenuate the resulting vibration;

                3. Prevent severe vibration and early damage of automotive parts, adapt to the high-speed performance of vehicles and reduce the noise while driving, ensure the safety, handling stability, comfort and energy-saving economy of driving.

                NEXT:Introduction of tyre pattern

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