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                My position:Home - Talent recruitment - Talent concept

                CONTACT US

                Service Hotline


                Qingdao Office:
                2-1104, No. 87 Haier Road, Qingdao, Shandong, China
                Factory Address:
                26 Haining Road, Shuyang County, Suqian, Jiangsu, China

                NETWORK TEACHING

                Talent philosophy: Respect the value of people, develop their potential, retain people with interests, emotions and career!

                Employment criteria: outstanding personality, bold work, open-minded, professional and impartial!

                Gathering talent culture: emotional retention, career retention, treatment retention, system retention!

                Work philosophy: I am the most responsible person and expert in this position, to be a compound talent, to meet the needs of development! uuuuuuuuuu

                Competition philosophy: Beyond self, always faster than competitors, always better than competitors!

                Wealth concept: initiative is the first wealth of life!

                Idea of being a person: stressing principles, abiding by rules, understanding self-discipline, and emphasizing credibility!

                Promotion concept: conduct is the passport, performance is the voice, today is talent, tomorrow is not necessarily talent!

                Success Idea: Ordinary people pursue goals, outstanding people surpass goals, outstanding people create miracles!


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