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                NEWS DYNAMIC

                Frequent detection of tire pressure to ensure safety
                time:2018-12-28 16:55:38      click:824

                1. Observe the tire condition before traveling. Radial tire, also known as the low pressure tyre, is very low when it is flat. It feels great when it is under the foot. It is normal if it is not soft. High-pressure tire is the oblique twin with inner tube. From the front, the shoulder is not prominent, commonly known as "no gills", and from the side, the contact area with the ground is almost normal.

                2. Attention should be paid to the sound of friction between tires and the ground during driving, the cushioning force when feeling uneven road surface, and the change of acceleration when feeling refueling compared with the normal situation. These are the common accumulated experience.

                3. Check and supplement the air pressure in a professional tire repair shop every week under normal conditions.

                PREV:Five Habits Can Extend Tire Life
                NEXT:Ways of tire pressure monitoring

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